Frequently asked questions

Common questions

+ Are my results still accurate if I don't react immediately and press the button after hearing the beep?

Yes. We take into account the expected delays of interacting with your mobile device.

+ I can’t find a quiet environment, can I still perform the hearing test?

Our tests are designed to work in a quiet environment. If the test is taken in a noisy environment the results may be inaccurate. For accurate results, we suggest waiting until you can find a quiet place before taking the test.

+ I am testing one ear, but I can hear a static sound in the other ear - is this part of the test?

This is called a contralateral masker and is to be expected. It is used when testing hearing. The contralateral masking noise (in the opposite ear) appears when the pure-tone reaches a certain volume. This masker prevents 'cross talk', a phenomena in which the ear not being tested picks up the sound for the ear that is being tested.

+ What is calibration? How and why does Mimi calibrate headphones and what are the issues with uncalibrated headphones?

We calibrate our hearing tests with objective measurements of headphone output levels. In addition we use validation through subjective hearing tests with Mimi users.

All headphones are different, and the combination of the two devices you are using for the hearing test (headphone type and smartphone type) will also influence the test results. Calibration ensures we know how to adjust for the differences between the two devices, and helps to normalize the output across devices. By using calibrated headphones, we can give you an accurate hearing test result.

We are currently in the progress of calibrating headphones for Android. Because calibration needs to happen for every headphone and device combination; this can take our team quite a bit of time. We are doing our best to make sure we have more calibrated headphone/device pairings available in the future. If you have questions feel free to email us at

Data Accuracy & Reliability

+ Is the Mimi Health Hearing Test reliable?

Absolutely! We are CE-marked and registered as a Class 1 medical device under MDD. Our tests have been built and tested by both scientists and audiologists.

+ I’m concerned about my hearing. Should I visit the audiologist?

If you have any concerns about your hearing, please follow up with a hearing healthcare professional. Mimi does not supersede or replace a decisive diagnosis by a physician, does not allow direct diagnosis and is not intended to be used for monitoring, treatment or alleviation of any disease or disability. Read our full disclaimer here.

+ I'm hard of hearing in one ear, why is my hearing grade still good?

Many people have asymmetric hearing, meaning the better ear may often compensate for the other. Your hearing grade is defined by your better performing ear.

Tracking Your Hearing Health

+ Can I use this app to track my hearing over time?

Your Hearing ID is a reflection of your hearing ability, which is likely to change over time. Keep your Hearing ID up to date by using the "Test your ears again" button and testing regularly.

Data Privacy & Security

+ Is my data safe? Which data is stored?

Yes it is. We take data privacy and security very seriously. We are GDPR compliant and you can read more about our privacy policy and data usage here.

For audiologists, scientists and the generally curious!

+ What is a Pure Tone Threshold (PTT) test?

The PTT hearing test will give you understandable results in about 6 minutes. This test provides frequency-specific information with results displayed on a standard audiogram. If this test is not available in your current application, please download the Mimi Hearing Test App from the App Store or Play Store.

+ What is a Masked Threshold (MT) test?

The MT test tests your ability to differentiate a signal from background noise, simulating an environment in which your ears must navigate a crowded area, and provides an approximation of hearing sensitivity. This test allows you to assess your ears with any properly functioning set of headphones, with no need for calibration.

+ Why don’t I get an audiogram for a Masked Threshold (MT) test?

This test allows for the assessment of your hearing abilities in a noisy environment but does not produce an audiogram.

As a University/Audiologist, I am interested in using Mimi for a study

We are very excited to hear this, and thank you for your interest! Please contact the Mimi Health team here.

Couldn’t find what you were looking for?

We have a comprehensive User Manual which we hope will answer your questions. If not, please email and a member of the team will get back to you.